Shri Sudhir Gokarn of
New Popular Book shopat YP has the best books in town. He has personally
manned his store for decades. He knows
where all the books from Cormen, Knuth, Thomas,
to Mahan are located in the store.
He is known by some of the books he keeps (also treasured by
JEE students) here are some of my favourites:
Higher Algebra, Hall & Night, S.Chand
Probability by Feller,
Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, both by Loney
Differential and Integral Calculus by N. Piskunov/Piskinov, MIR.
Morrison & Boyd, Finar, Halliday & Resnick
Sears and Zemansky, Badal Sircar's
Evam Indrajit as
taught by Indira Mahadevan of HSS Dept.
His store faces the Powai post office and frequently
crowded by KV (Kendriya Vidhalaya School) students.
Next to his store is the grain shop, then a barber
shop and a cycle shop. Behind his store is a Mafco
store, a vegetable shop and a manned phone booth.
If you go to IIT, be sure to stop by in his store.